For real estate companies who want to incorporate MLS into their homepage
We would like to MLS to our website and use in both Japanese and English (in muti language)
All reale estate agency use Multiple Listing Service (MLS) to register their properties. It works only in English.
Therefore, it will be displays in English as default.
You need to add multi-lingual functions to display it in Japanese(and other language).
It is possible to display it in Japanese except some fields such as property namaes or property descriptions.

What is MLS/IDX services?
IDX is stand for nternet Data Exchange. iDX is a middle service between MLS and your website.
You will need to use IDX service to integrate MLS to your website.
IDX service provide some functions such as property search, map search, list search result, detailed search resuts.
We usually use IDX Broker as am IDX service that is one of the biggest in the industy.
MLS covers entire United States and multi-city
MLS using by real estate company in the Untied States are basically same.
Therefore, your website can be integrated with MLS of all US cities.
Furthermore, it is possible to perform cross MLS search over mutiple cites and states.

Some customer does not understand sqft (conversion of area)
The property areas are measured by sqft in MLS.
Theis is very hard to imagine/understand some foreign customer such as Japan residents.
It is possible to convert sqft to imaginal measurments for those customers.
Field Name | Sample |
Price Range | $200,000 ~ $700,000 |
Bedrooms | 2 ベッドルーム |
Land Teneur | Fee Simple |
Property Type | Single Family Residential, Condominium, Commercial, etc. |
Area | Ala Moana, Kakaako, Waikiki, etc. |
View | Ocean, Mountain, Golf Course, etc. |
Other | Pool. Parking, etc. |
Simplified Search, Single Serach Button
Basic search is already complicaed for some cusomers.
Therefore, we provide customized simpiified search forms.
For example we will prepare very limited search fields as follows.
Most data fileds in MLS/IDX are searchable.
We also provide single project search buttons.
For example, we will make following buttons that search queries have embeded.
“Ala Moana – Condo – 2BR”
“Hualalai Resort + Condo”
Click button and you will get a search results.
It is very convenient for certain popular areas or projeccts.

We would like to add map search, plot search result on map.
It is easy to add map search and plot result on map.
You might need to open an account on Google.
Monthly Costs
Following monthly costs will be add to website development and MLS/IDX integration fees.
- MLS part 1: Real Estate Association Fee
- MLS part 2: MLS Subscription Fee
- IDX part 1: IDX subscription Fee
- Other part: Google Map (per use fee)
Fee may very by usage.
In case using IDX Broker on Island of Oahu, Hawaii state.
Sell data only(Active Only)、
Hawaii Central MLS $0 + IDX Broker $50~ = Total $50~
Includes history data (Whole Database)
Hawaii Central MLS $75 + IDX Broker $90~ = Total $165~
Sold data may be entered manually.
If youre sold properties are not so many. You do not need whole MLS subsctiption.
We support MLS integration to your website.

We integrate MLS to your new and exsiting website.make it multilingual.
- Necessary Service Recommendation
- Setup
- Multilingual Conversion
- Area Conversions
- Simplified Search, Single Serach Button
Ask us anythig about MLS integrations.